Change sometimes feels like a threat, but it's not a threat, and if we would grow we must be willing to change. Life is constantly changing and those who insist that things remain the same are doomed to be stuck in unhappiness. Things just never stay the same.
The whole gist of her book boils down to the notion that if we really let Jesus come into our lives, our lives would change dramatically. I don't mean that you would stop dancing and playing cards, I mean the kind of change where we begin to live missionlly. A missional life is the way of Jesus and it is how he taught people to live, seeing God and seeing others, and giving ourselves away for them.
If we look at the way he gave himself away, it should inform and radically transform our existence. In other words if we really did everything that Jesus taught, it would interrupt our comfortable lives. That is something to think about.
It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.