I was talking to a young adult not too long ago. They did not understand why poor people can't just move to better parts of the country. Why do poor people stay poor?
I got a perfect example of how people get stuck just the other day. I bought a used pickup. A great truck, from my friend Paul.
I took it in to firestone for some work. They told me that if I got their credit card, I could save $100. Great, I am in. It is also 6 months no interest.
They printed out the terms for me.
34% interest. 39% if you are late. WHAT???
Wow! We will pay on time and not be late. We will have this thing paid off so that we never have to pay that interest. But imagine that you need work on your car and you don't have the cash. You take out the card. And you make the minimum payments... or you miss one... pretty soon, massive interest charges are piling up.
And then, before you get it paid off, your vehicle breaks down again. And you add to the balance. It is a never ending circle for the working poor.
Maybe they didn't go to college. Maybe they are just shy of the average IQ. Maybe they did not have parents to support them and cover them in difficult times.
Whatever the situation, there are lots of people in our world that have trouble catching a break. 34% interest does not help.
The moral of this story is this... work hard and pay your bills. Get a second job if you need it. And be very understanding of those who still have trouble making ends meet. There are a lot of good people in this world who were dealt different cards than you and I were.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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Here is the link to the Italy trip that I am leading in November of 2025
click here for the brochure