Thursday, October 17, 2024

thoughts on having more money

Some years ago a survey was taken in America.  There were two questions.  The first was, "do you have sufficient income."  The second was, "how much more money would it take for you to feel comfortable and secure?"

The aggregate of the answers to the second question was 20% more.  Most Americans said that they would be happy if they had 20% more.  Across the spectrum for those with a net worth of 20k and those with a net worth of 4 million- 20% more.

Crazy isn't it?  We Americans can never have enough it seems.

I think that there are two ways to have more money.

1.  Make more.  Work more.  Pick up a second job or a side gig.

2.  Spend less.  Don't buy that thing that you don't need.  When tempted, lay down until the feeling goes away.

I needed a part for the mustang.  I stopped at O'reillys.  $91 for a fuel rail pressure sensor.  I bought it on Amazon for $17.

Buy the buy one get one food at the grocery store.  Use coupons.

Pay attention to where the money is going and work harder to manage the money that does come your way.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

even if...

My friend Susan sent this in...

This is a great saying... we have too much fear in our lives... too much worry.  Too much of buying trouble... what if???

And then there is faith... even if something happens, I am not alone.  Even if this goes south, God loves me.

Even if, no matter what, everything is ok because God is with me.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

for you or for me?

Once upon a time a person asked a friend to do something.  It was something that was good for the person receiving the request.  They both wanted the same outcome.

But the friend said, "I will not do this for you, I will do this for me."  

I love that story.

You know, with no disrespect to friends and their desires, whatever choices or changes that we make in this life, they are always the most successful when we do them for us.  When we do them because we wanted to make the change.

What changes do you need to make in your life?  Decide today.  Make a change for you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Monday, October 14, 2024

I'm not that great of a person

Sometimes when I tell a friend how wonderful they are, or if I tell them that they are awesome, or if I tell them that they are one of my favorite humans, they say things like this...

"I'm not that great of a person."

"If you only knew the dark parts"

And to these responses I say, "peshaw!!!"  Ridiculous.  I am not listening to it.  I am not hearing it.

I see you.  I am not blind.  I know that you have good and less good attributes.  But there is something inside of me that just thinks that you are great.

Take it.  Accept it.   Stop fighting it.  Absorb it.  

Someone loves you.

You are amazing.  Dark parts and all.  You are loved, you are wonderful, you are amazing!!!  And by the way, that is how God feels about you too.  

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

How this blog came to be

My friend Tim C asked how this blog came to be...

In April of 2007 I was reading a book called "Walking on Water" by Anthony DeMello.  The book changed my life.  About the same time, I was talking to a friend that was blogging.  I thought it was an interesting idea to write and post online about various things.  The friend helped me with the mechanical end of creating a blog.

The things that I read in the book afore mentioned so touched me that I decided I must share them.  I had no idea that I would still be doing this 17 years later, but it has been a ride for sure.

The tough part about blogging daily are the days when you feel that you don't have much to say.  I think that we all feel like that from time to time.  And if you are having an "off" day, do not worry.  Life has it's ups and downs.

But I am thrilled when I have something to share that I think is cool, or at least it was cool or meaningful to me.

If you are looking for a little inspiration in your life, buy a copy of the book "Walking on water."  It changed my life for the better, and I have been writing ever since.

And now you know the rest of the story.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

others are important too...

Whenever we fear a hurricane or a tornado, we pray that we will be safe. That is fine, but what about the others?

The recent hurricane in Florida prompted many to pray for safety. That reminds me of one of my favorite stories, or sermon illustrations.

A woman said, "during the war we prayed that God would keep us safe. And, Praise God! He did!!! All of the bombs fell on the other side of town."

We must always remember that the storm is going to hit somewhere. And while I don't want it to hit our home, I really don't want it to hit anyone. I don't want anyone's life to be devastated. So while we may be happy that our family and friends are safe, may we remember that someone else's family and friends were not safe.

Let us expand our circle of care to include those we don't know. Those who are outside our normal circle. May we all expand our circle of love and care.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Anticipation is an interesting human emotion.  If you live in tornado country, like Kansas City, you may get an hour or two notice.  You go into the basement and wait it out.  Then the warning is lifted and all goes back to normal, only a few, if any are hit.

If you live in hurricane country, like Florida, you have days and days to watch the path and wonder what the storm will do.  You listen to the news media get everyone all excited about the storm surge and the catastrophic winds.  How big will it be? 

 In tornado alley, only a few are troubled.  In hurricane alley, everyone is in the path.

And so you wait and prepare, and worry.  You do everything that you can and then you trust God and wait it out.

We humans worry too much.  We also "buy trouble."  We worry about things of our imaginings.  We conjure things to be concerned about... "what if..."  The TV news does not help.  They encourage us to worry.  After the storm is over, does the TV news ever apologize?

Anyway, we survived hurricane #4 since we moved to Florida.  We humans worry too much.  Prepare yes, but worry less.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

hurricane update

Good Morning...

It is 7:30am here in Florida.  The sun is up and all is well at the Brinkman home.

17 tornadoes touched down, and travelled on the ground yesterday.  That is unheard of in Florida.  Sadly a few people were killed in Ft. Pierce.  They aren't saying how many, but some of them are children.

I have walked about the outside of the house and everything is fine.  Lots of branches down, but the roof and pool enclosure are intact.  It is still very windy.

We did have some unprecedented flooding yesterday...  These pics are from our front yard...

street completely underwater

in the ten years we have lived here, it has never been like this

This morning, the flooding has subsided and the ark has landed on dry ground.  The street is open and all is well, at least here for our neighborhood.

Thank you all for the prayers, love and concern.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Hurricane Prep

I am writing this Wednesday at 1pm.  By the time that you read this, we think the storm will be mostly passed.  Current projections show the storm flowing right over Vero Beach as a category 1.  We are praying that it will continue to weaken.

This is a post about hurricane prep.  It is bad, but not as bad as prep for a colonoscopy.  [whoops, did I just say that?]

Anyway, you gas up your cars.  You put everything away that is not tied down.  You buy food.  You make sure that you have propane.  You buy extra gas for your generator.  You close the hurricane shutters.    Here are some pictures of our preparations...

The only time that my car gets into the garage is during a hurricane.
Note the generator in the foreground.  Also the gas cans behind
Cathy's car.  If the power goes out, the generator will keep the fridge 

The local news preempts every program.  We watch the news and
listen to updates all day.

North side of the house.  Windows shuttered up.  The two far
windows have "accordion" shutters.  The close window has
 traditional panels.

French doors out to the pool deck are covered up.
Note the TV on the wall.  It will be coming down
and going inside as well.

windows shuttered up.

Any lose items from the pool deck just get thrown into the pool.
They will survive the storm there and get a chlorine bath.
One less thing to carry into the house!!!

All furniture, the barbeque grill, etc must either go into the house,
the garage or be strapped off in some fashion.

It is now 3:30pm.  I have been working on this post off and on all day.  The rain is coming down in torrents.  There have been a rash of tornadoes across Florida.  The storm should land near Sarasota around 8pm tonight.  By 8am, it will have moved past our home and back out to sea.

When I wake up in the morning and get around, I will post another update.  It will not come as an email.  In order to read it, you will have to go to the website

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Hurricane Milton Part 1

Yesterday we went to Sam's to shop for hurricane food.  So did everyone else.  Actually, they went the day before, so we missed out on the stuff that you want to buy.  All that was left is the stuff that I should not be eating.   This is what my wife bought at Sam's for hurricane food.

Yesterday I helped 4 neighbors put up their hurricane shutters.  We will close up our house tomorrow.  Current weather reports sends the storm over Orlando which is 80 miles as the crow flies.  We are not expecting much more than heavy rains and high winds.

Many have reached out to me inquiring about our health.  We are fine... however, after eating all of the sweets that my wife bought, I am expecting to have blood sugar issues.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The fly pt 2

After writing yesterday's post about the complexity of the brain of a fly, I got to thinking.  This is why they are so hard to swat.  They are smarter than we think.

But I have a trick to swat flies.  When you see a pesky fly, don't just get your fly swatter.  Grab your swatter and a spray bottle of Windex or just water.  When you see the fly, start to spray him or her.  It may take a few shots, but once you get enough liquid on the fly's wings, they cannot fly.  They cruise to the ground where they are an easy target.

By the way, what do you call a fly with no wings???

A walk.

It's a beautiful [now I have power over flies] day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Monday, October 7, 2024

the brain of a fly

I read an article the other day. Scientists have mapped the entire brain of a fly. Although the total size of the brain is smaller than a pin head, the brain of a fly has 130,000 cells and 50 million connections.

The researchers have been able to identify separate circuits for many individual functions and show how they are connected.

I found this to be amazing. Such a small little creature, yet it's brain is so complex. Scientist say that understanding the wiring of the brain of a fly is a great step towards understanding the human brain which is of course, much more complicated.

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Oh Lord, how majestic are your ways in all of the earth.

It is a beautiful, amazing day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Nudge

As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I had breakfast with Kathy C. at First Watch. When I’m leaving First Watch, next-door is Alyssa‘s flower shop. My brain says "Anna Lee BLAIR works there go in and say hello." Another part of my brain says "you don’t have time for that you need to get to work." My brain says "No, you need to listen- go in and say hello." So I go in and ask the gals working there if Annalee is working today and they said no.

I left my card and told them to tell her I stopped by.

Even though I didn’t get to see my friend's mom I think it’s important to listen to the nudges that we get. I don’t wanna blame the nudges on God, but there is something to be said about having a feeling that I should do something.

Take the time to follow the nudge. Don't force it, and don't be disappointed in the outcome. Just follow your heart.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Saturday, October 5, 2024


This is a quote from a not so famous person.  I find it simple but profound.  Here it is...

"Kindness, it's just not that hard."

Pass it on, especially to someone who is struggling with attitude or behavior... "you might try kindness, it's just not that hard."

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Friday, October 4, 2024


Rudy is a server at First Watch in Independence, MO.  He is one of my favorite humans.  I don't get to see him very often, but when I do, it is always so good to see him.  Yesterday I had breakfast with KC and Rudy was there.

He was surprised to see me, but glad to see me.  As I write this, I have a smile on my face.  He is a very good man and it did me good to tell him so.

"Rudy, you are one of my favorite humans."

If you feel that way about someone, tell them.  I might have written about this recently, but I cannot stress enough the importance of telling people that you love, that you love them.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

My friend Bruce shared this...

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


When was sunscreen invented?  It wasn't around when I was a kid.  At least commercially like it is now.

I read up on this topic.  Evidently different tribes and cultures have used different compounds for many years.

Commercially, with the SPB rating, they started showing up in the 1970's.  As a child, I was allergic to the sun and in the summer, I suffered if I did not stay in the shade.  [it was that Scottish skin that I inherited from my father...]

I for one am thankful for the invention of readily available sunscreen.  I know that this sounds like a silly thing or a simple thing to be thankful for, but there was a time when I did not have this product.

What are you thankful for today?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Gratitude opens our eyes

"Gratitude makes us feel good because it helps us widen our frame of vision.  When we are under depression or stress, we can develop tunnel vision, seeing only this problem or that difficulty.  We can get over taken by a heavy, dark feeling of despair.  But when we experience a sense of gratitude, we give ourselves a dose of mental sunshine.  Suddenly the world seems brighter, and we have more options."

M.J. Ryan

In other words, if you want to get out of your funk, find something to be thankful for and focus on that.  Then repeat.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Monday, September 30, 2024

phone call

Yesterday, I got a phone call from a friend.  They were concerned that I had not been in church.

I love that!!!

I explained that I had been travelling and that yesterday, I was sick.  I will be in KC October 1-8, then I hope to be back in church on October 13.

I know that we humans can be annoying when we talk to people about attending church, but when you are a regular, it is nice to be missed.

If you are missing someone from the pew nearby, you might reach out to them.  It might make their day.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Sunday, September 29, 2024


"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.  I don't believe in circumstances.  The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, they make them."

George Bernard Shaw

Are you creating life or are you waiting for life to somehow show you the way?

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to get up after it, see the good and create the good.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

An inconvenient truth...

This is a terrible truth, but it is true...

Sometimes in life, you get what you want, and sometimes in life, you get what you get.

If you get what you want, then you can just carry on blithely enjoying the days.  But when you get what you don't want, it can be very difficult.

And when we get what we don't want, we have to work harder to remember that life is beautiful.  Whether you got what you wanted or not this last week or this last month, we still need to work so see the good.

Because everything is ok, and everything is good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Friday, September 27, 2024

sometimes in life

This is a terrible truth, but it is true...

Sometimes in life, you get what you want, and sometimes in life, you get what you get.

If you get what you want, then you can just carry on blithely enjoying the days.  But when you get what you don't want, it can be very difficult.

And when we get what we don't want, we have to work harder to remember that life is beautiful.  Whether you got what you wanted or not this last week or this last month, we still need to work so see the good.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

The Brown Dress

I talked to a young person the other day.  The discussion reminded me of this story.

Anthony Demello tells the story about an eight year old girl who walks into the room wearing a pink dress. Everyone ooo's and ahhh's over her pink dress. The girl smiles. Her heart is full. She is on cloud nine.

The next day she comes in wearing a brown dress and the result is the opposite. Her parents, her brothers and sisters belittle her. That is a terrible color they say. The girl hangs her head. Her heart is crushed.

The moral of this story is that we give people way too much power over us. You don't like it that I am wearing a gray shirt? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I don't believe it like you do? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I drive a black car? Too bad for you. You don't like it that I am a KU fan? Too bad for you.

Our self esteem cannot be put into the hands of others. God tells us that he loves us, and that ought to be enough. Live your life and enjoy your life. Don't let the approval or disapproval of others measure your feelings about yourself.

And on another note, be mindful of how what you say to another human being can affect how they feel. Negativity always hurts. Don't let it hurt you, and don't use it to hurt others.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Thursday, September 26, 2024


I received a note the other day from a friend.  They described going through a heartbreak.  I felt and I feel so bad for them.

I don't know what to say and I don't know what to do.

This is not the first time in my life that I have felt completely unprepared for a situation.  It is not the first time that I had no idea of what to say.

When you are a pastor, you are supposed to have all of the answers.  But sometimes in life, if we are honest, we just don't know how to help.

So I will say this to my friend... I love you.  I am so sorry.  If I were there I would sit with you at the breakfast table.  You deserve better than pain.  I hug you from afar.  

Sometimes we cannot fix things.  All we can do is to be with the person, love them, listen, and hug them.

It is a beautiful, yet sometimes painful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

might as well do it now

So I have a friend Tyler. He has a bad sense of humor. He insists that I am only an acquaintance. Anyway, he runs very deed and he sends me stuff from time to time.

Recently he sent me this song: "I'm gonna get over this some day" by T. Bone Burnett

Here are the lyrics and friends, this is such a great message:

I’m gonna get over this someday
I might as well get over it now
I’m gonna get over this some way
Though at the moment, I don’t know how

I don’t want to be the judge
And I don’t want to hold a grudge
I’m gonna get over this someday
I might as well get over it now

I don’t want to compete with you
I only want to be with you
I don’t want to say goodbye
I cry for you the whole night through

I’m gonna get over this someday
I might as well get over it now
I’m gonna get over this some way
But at the moment, I don’t know how

I don’t want to give you advice
And I don’t want you to pay the price
I’m gonna gеt over this someday
I might as well gеt over it now

I don’t want to fight with you
I want to take flight with you
I don’t want to say goodbye
I cry for you the whole night through

I’m gonna get over this someday
I might as well get over it now

What a wonderful reminder to release yourself and others from the pain and hurt of injuries that come to our hearts.

I'm gonna get over it someday, I might as well get over it now.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Recently I was eating Mexican food for dinner. Unfortunately, I forgot a very important rule of eating at Mexican restaurants... "Don't rub your eyes after eating chips and salsa."

That reminded me of this song that I like. I has a lot of practical advice for life. Things that we all should know.

"Don't ask me how I know" by Bobby Pinson

Don't ride your bike off a ramp
That's more than three bricks high
Don't take a candy from the store
If you ain't got the dime

Don't pick a fight with a little guy
That doesn't talk that much
Don't pick up a cherry bomb thinkin its a dud
And don't sneak out of a two story house
Using bed sheets for a rope
Don't ask me how I know

Sell your truck while its still runnin
Save the Jesus off the dash
Say a prayer when you feel like cussin
Save your money pay with cash

Forget your pride, buy the roses
If you're sorry tell her so
Don't drink the water in Mexico
Don't ask me how I know

Don't quit your high school football team
Halfway through the season
Don't bust your buddy in the nose
When you know he didn't mean it

Don't lose a girl you love at home
For a night in Panama City
Don't rush off the phone when your Mama calls
You ain't that busy

Ya oughta make that drive 
to say goodbye
To your grampa fore he goes
Don't ask me how I know

Sell your truck while its still runnin
Save the Jesus off the dash
Say a prayer when you feel like cussin
Save your money pay with cash

Forget your pride, buy the roses
If you're sorry tell her so
Don't drink the water in Mexico
Don't ask me how I know

Forget your pride buy the roses, 
if you love her tell her so
Don't go to Vegas when you're heart broke
Don't bum your cousin for that first smoke
I'm tellin' ya, don't drink the water in Mexico
Don't ask me how I know
Don't ask me how I know

Ya, I just know

click here to listen to the song

It's a beautiful day in God's world, I just know it.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Good Bye

My neighbor saw me in the driveway and came over to say good bye.  She and her husband are moving.

I about fell over.

For 9 years we lived next door to each other.  They hardly ever spoke to us at all.  But, when they needed help, I helped them.  I hauled off brush and downed trees after hurricanes.  They never said thank you.  They never said anything.

I find it so strange to live next door to someone and not even speak.

Well the new neighbors are here.  A husband and wife with a 5 year old and a 7 year old.  I have already knocked on their door and introduced myself.  Very nice people.

I am hopeful that the next 9 years will be better.

The moral of this story... always be kind, even when the kindness is not returned to you.  Kindness is a reward in and of itself.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

playing your cards close to your chest

The Brinkman's tend to hold their cards close to their chest.  We can tend to be kind of private.

So, here goes...

A month ago Cathy had an abnormal mammogram.  We told almost no one.  A week later she had an ultrasound.  The results showed 4 abnormalities, one of which they wanted to biopsy.  We waited a week for the biopsy, then we waited for the results... and we waited.

Although there was not much talk about any of this, in private, as you can understand, everyone was concerned.

Well, three days ago, at the Silver Oak winery in Napa, Cathy finally got her results.  

This is the face of someone who just found out that everything is all right.  No malignancy, no more worries.  Tension lifted.

Some would say to me, "Jeff if you would have let us know,  we could have been praying..."  I get that, but this is just not how my family operates.

What I can say to you today, is... please rejoice with us.

It is an exceptionally good day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

mixed messages

It is not uncommon for we humans to provide mixed messages... for example...

"I love you, but"

We can provide mixed messages by being mean to people that we should love.  We can provide mixed messages by insisting that we support something, and then never committing resources to the program.  Any inconsistent behavior can provide a mixed message.

On our vacation to Napa, Calif., Cathy and I visited this restaurant.  The front doors were double doors.  A left and a right door.  Each door had a message on them.

The sign on the left door said, please use other door.

The sign on the right door said, please keep door closed.

I thought that was funny.  I also thought about how it made people do a doubletake.  When you see those signs, your brain just wants to stop and say, "what???"

And so may we always be consistent and clear in our communications.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Friday, September 20, 2024


I always think tipping is nice.

Most people in the service industry need the financial support. They need it. And most of us who do not work in the service industry can afford to leave a tip.

On a recent visit to a hotel in Miami, I came upon this electronic way to tip.

Evidently, instead of leaving cash, you could scan this QR code and it takes you into a website where you can charge a tip to your room or put it on a credit card.

I chose to leave two dollars cash as I usually leave $2-3 each day.

It’s interesting that the upfront tipping options on the site are $5 $10 or $20.

So I believe in tipping and I think that we should do it. Please leave a tip.

Now I am going to change the subject...

So I got to thinking about the difference between paying with cash and paying with a card. When you pay with cash, it hurts a little bit.

When you pay with a card, you don’t even feel it. It’s like it’s not real money. Using credit cards can be very dangerous and people get out of whack on debt that way. I remember years ago, getting a monthly credit card statement... I opened it. The bill was $2,000 and honestly, I didn't even remember what we had spent the money on.

If you are going to use a credit card, pay it off every month without fail.

And remember to tip your sever. Smile at them and ask their name. And then leave a tip.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

RRR Matie!!!


It's National talk like a pirate day!!!

What kind of movies do pirates watch?  Rated RRR

Why are pirates cool???  They just RRR

What is a pirate's favorite letter???  

RRR you say, no it's The C

A pirate walks into a bar.  The bartender say, Hey I haven't seen you in months.  You look terrible.  What happened to your leg?  The pirate says, RRR a cannon ball took my leg off at the knee so now I have this wooden leg.

The bartender says, and what about your hand?  How did you get that hook?  RRR the pirate says, I was in a sword fight, and right before I run the bloke thru, he chops off my hand.  So now I have this hook.

The bartender say, and you eye?  How did you get the patch?  The pirate says, RRR don't che know, a seagull pooped in my eye.

The bartender quite confused asks, you lost your eye because a seagull pooped in your eye?  Nooo the pirate says,  but don't che know it was the first day of my new hook!!!

I love that joke!

by the way, where do pirates buy their hooks?  At the second hand store.

RRR its a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Yes! It is back! Today is national talk like a pirate day!!!


It's National talk like a pirate day!!!

What kind of movies do pirates watch?  Rated RRR

Why are pirates cool???  They just RRR

What is a pirate's favorite letter???  

RRR you say, no it's The C

A pirate walks into a bar.  The bartender say, Hey I haven't seen you in months.  You look terrible.  What happened to your leg?  The pirate says, RRR a cannon ball took my leg off at the knee so now I have this wooden leg.

The bartender says, and what about your hand?  How did you get that hook?  RRR the pirate says, I was in a sword fight, and right before I run the bloke thru, he chops off my hand.  So now I have this hook.

The bartender say, and you eye?  How did you get the patch?  The pirate says, RRR don't che know, a seagull pooped in my eye.

The bartender quite confused asks, you lost your eye because a seagull pooped in your eye?  Nooo the pirate says,  but don't che know it was the first day of my new hook!!!

I love that joke!

by the way, where do pirates buy their hooks?  At the second hand store.

RRR its a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

a moment of fame

Last week I was on a cruise with my wife's cousin, Jay Dorst.  Now any of you that know Jay, know that he is an absolutely fantastic human.

One night on the cruise, we went to a magic show.  I thought it was great.

One of the things that was wonderful was that the magician brought a 7 year old girl up onto the stage to help with one of his tricks.

He asked her her name.  She said, "Lilly."  He introduced Lilly to the crowd.  He asked them to applaud for her.  And the crowd gave a rousing ovation for Lilly.  

I thought about how little Lilly must have felt in that moment.  Up on the stage... 300 people applauding her.

I hope she felt great.  I am sure that she did.

And I thought about how I wish every human could have that happen to them at least once in their life time.  Or maybe even once per week.  Imagine, you up on stage, the focus of it all, and everyone is applauding.

You deserve it.

Today, I am applauding for you.  You are amazing.  You deserve to be celebrated!!!

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.