Monday, December 10, 2007


Yowlza. The Cantata rocked. Best I have ever heard. Not to demean other years or other times, but the Choir cantata rocked on so many levels.

1. excellent use of the children's voices in mix with the adults.

2. excellent solos and soloists.

3. orchestra rocked.

4. orchestra and choir were a perfect balance of sound.

5. 19 men in the choir. 29 women!!!!!!

6. Greg Steele

7. Kris

8. Everyone of you. It was awesome.

I also have a bit of a history with the song, "We are the reason." Anyway, I was touched. Thank you all so very very much. You helped us see the good. I am still flying high. If I don't feel one other thing this Christmas season, if God pulls back and I am dry for the next two weeks, I have already had Christmas. You gave it to me yesterday. I am full. I am so glad that we did not cancel church services.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words. I can not tell you what a joy it is to play again after a 25 year absence. My heart was overjoyed to know that we connected to people the glory of Christmas! My only regret was that I did not smile. I had my game face on too much.

Anonymous said...

You all are right the antatta was as beautiful as it ever could be...I think I say that every year and it just get better and better. I do have one concern though---do you think the church could afford to get Kris a bigger box to stand on? He scared me a few times I thought we might be interrupted for an emergency--please no. It was incredibly beautiful. Everyone made it special. I attended the funeral service for Jim Rubino just before the Cantata and I know he was singing at the top of his lungs with you all--thanks to you all who made his service special with something he loved to do every year.