Saturday, January 26, 2008

buy their dinner

At town center there is a Walmart with a McDonald's in it. For reasons that will not be explained in this blog, I am wandering around there, killing time on Friday night. I buy a $5 baseball hat and slide over to the McDonald's to eat.

The man at the register is a fine young man, Hispanic, and very friendly. My order comes up and we conclude our business. I sit down to enjoy two all beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun. I notice that a woman and two small children come up to the counter. The nice man engages them in conversation. At first, I think, "well, he is a nice man." Then I realize that this must be his family.

The children and the man laugh and goo-goo at each other. I have this funny feeling: "buy their dinner."

It is time for me to go. I can't bring myself to offer to buy dinner for the woman and the kids. I have this feeling that I would be intruding. I don't want to embarrass the nice man.

I say thank you and move on.

I am looking at something over by the check out lines and I hear it again: "buy their dinner." I insist. This is ridiculous. It will embarrass him. I don't want to embarrass him. I start to move on. i hear it again. It is not going to go away. I surrender.

Ok, dumb old guy here, wandering back up to the counter. The nice man looks at me, his eyes say, "what can I do for you." I say to him, "let me buy your kids dinner." "Oh no, that is not necessary." "I know," I say, "but i just want to do it."

Ok. agreed. I give him some money, he says "thank you." I turn to walk away, one of his daughters says, "thank you." As I walk away, tears fill up my eyes. I was filled with such joy.

It was a very uncomfortable thing, but I couldn't not do it. It all worked out ok and I was glad to have paid the small sum for their dinner.

I offer this story simply to remind all of us, that there is much good to do and if we are listening, we may just be directed to do good in the name of the Lord.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to do the good.


Anonymous said...

I have to tell you a quick story. Hope I am anonymous enough because it is not about me at all. I was on the way to the lake by myself on business. I got off on the Bonneville exit and spotted an man with a sign and a dog asking for help. I went to the Wendy's at that exit and bought he and his dog some food. When I took it to them, I simply handed the man a sack of food and what he did next has stuck with me. He started crying and said "God bless you, God bless you, we havent eating for two days". I asked him his name and he told me he was Todd and his dog was Digger. The then said "no one had ever asked me my name" and continued crying. Anyway, I cried for about half an hour as I continued on my way and was struck with how lucky I am to have met Todd. It was very powerful. Something told me to buy him food. It wasnt just a nudge. I know how you felt at McDonalds. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,

Very Cool. Last summer I went to Independence Center before it opened and was leaving just as it was opening. It was pouring rain in buckets as I was leaving and I had an umbrella. I was probably ten feet from my car when I saw a young lady going into work without an umbrella. I thought maybe I should walk her to the entrance so that she would not get drenched and have her day start on a bad note. I did and just her reaction that someone would offer a random act of kindness was so fulfilling. As I was returning to my car an elderly lady was doing the same thing and I walked her to the entrance as well. She too was very appreciative.

All in all I think I received the most joy of all three of us. I knew it was the right thing to do. I am sure if I was in their situation, I would have acted like a typical man and decline their offer and got soaked. But I appreciated their acceptance of my random act of kindness, which I offered because I wanted to help and I asked and they accepted. That was probably one of the high points of my year. Except for the 9:05 services at WCCUMC of course.

Have a great day!