Thursday, January 3, 2008


The plane sets down on the runway. My daughter rushes in to meet me in the concourse. When we come outside with my bags, my wife gets out of the car to hug me.

I am home.

Catching up. Hugging the other kids. Speaking to the pets. Good food. Comfortable surroundings. A hot shower. My own bed. I slept for a long time last night.

I am home.

Security. Projects. Routine. Work. Friends and family.

All of the above is disrupted when we go on a mission trip. It should be. We need to be disrupted from time to time. We need to remember the rest of the world. Most importantly, we need to learn to live our lives with an awareness that there are others out there besides me, besides us.

We are stewards of our possessions, not owners. We need to learn to be good at sharing, 365 days a year. Going on mission trips reminds us of that, and gives us the perspective that we need to live a life that is outside of ourselves.

How about this for a new years resolution: I resolve to go on at least one mission trip in 2008.

Its a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

the fly said...

welcome home, cousin jeff. thanks for sharing your life with us. thanks for the reminder that we need to be grateful, and generous. i think i'll take one of them there mission trips this year, too.