Thursday, January 10, 2008

It figures

Wouldn't cha know it. It figures. I sleep in accidentally yesterday, and today I am awake at 3am and I can't go back to sleep. God must be punishing me. Somehow, I am getting what I deserve.

Wait a minute, that is really bad thinking. Have you ever thought such things? God is getting you back for something? Friends, that is really bad thinking. Sandlot theology.

God is not in the business of getting even with us. If we got what we deserved, we would have been consumed by fire from heaven long ago.

It goes back to that whole notion of pain. We don't want it. We don't think there should be any of it in our lives. If I have discomfort, then God must be getting me back.

Well, stop saying that. It's not true. God is not getting me back and he is not getting you back.

Our lives are going to have discomfort and they are going to have pain. Life, love and joy continue to happen even in the presence of things that we don't like. God is present with us in our trials and worries, not to judge, but to comfort.

Its a beautiful day in God's world, and it is starting early today. Be sure to see the good.
Thank you Lions Den Man for saving me yesterday. You are awesome!

1 comment:

Lion's Den Man said...

Tough subject to discuss at times. Hurt, pain, guilt, unhappiness and all the other bad stuff are here on earth to stay and we can’t blame God, but should look to Him for guidance. That is what He wants. We need to remember this is not our home. We aren’t supposed to have a 100% perfect life here.... He saved heaven for that…..

1 Peter 2:11
Friends, this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it…………..

Lion's Den Man