Last Sunday was my first Sunday back after renewal leave. I felt good about the sermon, but not particularly excited. Seemed like an important topic that was not that inspirational.
Well, I have received more calls and comments over last Sunday's sermon and the topic of friendship than maybe any other in a very long time. It seems that having friends is far more critical than we realize. Being connected to people feeds our soul and our general sense of well being. Being disconnected or rejected is a hurt that is constantly on the mind.
I have talked to several hurting people this week.
One par
ticularly interesting discussion centered around the importance of our efforts in relationships and the self-fulfilling nature of our behavior. If we are unhappy, turned in, and complaining, then that feeds on itself and others are not interested. If we are happy, outgoing and joyful, people pick up on that too. I know of one person who has made a decision to stop being Eore [Winnie the Pooh's donkey] and be a positive person.

See the good. Focus on the good. There is plenty of bad and there are plenty that will focus on it. Do you want to spend your time with them? Of course not. Positive, joyful people have better marriages and more friends. If a man would have friends, he must show himself to be friendly.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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