I read a few books this summer on leadership. Preachers and politicians are supposed to be leaders, so I am sure that you have heard most of this before.
Leaders do not inflict pain on others, they bear pain. Leaders do not hurt people, they heal them. Leaders take responsibility for problems and work together to solve them. They do not play the blame game.
I am personally tired of the blame game. Who is to blame? Why does it matter? The ego looks to save face. The ego looks to rise to the top by casting blame and stepping on the necks of others in a futile attempt to get ahead. The ego does not respect others and cares nothing for their reputations. It is time that we see the people on the other side of the isle as God sees them, "good people, that God loves, with whom we happen to disagree."
A leader is a servant and the heart of a servant only looks to do what is best for those whom it serves. The heart of a servant is grounded in the commitment to do the good. Servants sacrifice themselves for the good of the cause.
There is nothing to be gained by blaming one another. We, the electorate, are smart enough to see through the blame game. We are tired of it. Fix the problems. That is why we elected you. Stand up and do the right things, and if you aren't sure what to do, then say so. We will give you time to learn. But do not waste any more of your time and energy blaming others.
It is time to act, and for this reason, we have elected you.
I am in the habit of closing these posts with the words, "it is a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good." It is a beautiful day. I hope you can see it.If I can be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call. We are praying for you.
Jeff Brinkman, Lee's Summit, MO