Monday, February 9, 2009

On being a pastor

Yesterday I got a note from a pastor asking the question, "what do you do with someone who does not like you?" I gave a pretty simple answer: "love them, love them, love them.

I believe that. I think that it is true for all people, regardless of their employment field. We are asked to love others. Even those, especially those who do not love us. It is the way of Christ.

That does not mean that it is easy. Most people have cracks in their self-esteem. You add a couple of unkind words and it is very easy to feel discouraged. As a pastor, you are out doing the best you can to the best of your ability to lift up Jesus. Along the way, you collect some zingers. In a situation where you are making yourself vulnerable my bearing the depths of your soul, someone is looking for a piece of your hide.

It is not easy. But pastor friends, this does not absolve us from being kind. From forgiving others. We need to be very kind. We need to be very careful to respond as graciously as possible.

In time, all wounds heal. If Jesus bore a cross, pastors need to be ready to deal with a bit of rejection from time to time. Trust in the Lord, keep your chin up, and have a cup of coffee with someone who loves you. They are out there.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

chigger farmer said...

I think this advice can apply to all of us. As parents, employees, neighbors, spouses, friends....there are times we have folks who we know don't like us. Instead of lashing out, I'm going to try your suggestion....just love them.