Wednesday, June 3, 2009


A friend gave me some ivy the other day. I planted it. I have been growing ivy for years, four to be exact, in a little section of the back yard where nothing grows. Well, ivy grows there. It grows anywhere. A little bit at a time, the ivy is doing its thing. Clinging to the rocky soil.

I think of the story of the mustard seed and the leaven. A little bit will do the trick. The kingdom is like that. Get it started and keep watching. The kingdom will do it's work in your life. Pretty soon, the roots are down, and we are a thriving part of God's garden.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

Josh S. said...

Shane Claiborne wrote a few pages about the mustard seed in his book "Irresistible Revolution". He talks about how mustard will grow from a tiny seed to spread like crazy. There's also this parallel story:

"In 334 B.C. there was an interesting exchange of messages between King Darius of Persia and Alexander the Great. King Darius sent a sack of sesame seeds to Alexander to show the vastness of his army. To this, Alexander responded with a sack of mustard seeds to imply not only the number but also the power, energy and the fiery nature of his men. Isn't that interesting that Alexander chose a tiny spice to show the power of his army?"