Wednesday, July 1, 2009


6:30am. Sitting on the deck. Outside on July 1st! 65 degrees! Wrought iron table. Tiki umbrella. Shade trees. A cup of coffee. The dog isn't even barking! What could go wrong with a beautiful start to a day like this.

Opps I lied. The dog is barking now. Have you ever asked yourself what dogs are saying when they bark? It all sounds the same to me. Let me out. Let me in. No, I meant out. Who is that stranger. Out. In. Bark, bark bark.

Today your church staff is going on a mission trip to Harvesters. If you don't know what Harvesters is, they provide bulk foods to needy people through many local ministries. Because of your generosity, they help to feed the folks at our sister church Camino Verdad Y Vida.

It is important for all of us to be connected to something in missions. If we aren't connected in missions in some way, it is just too easy to start thinking that the world is really revolving around me. To be in mission is to see the needs of others. It helps us keep our lives in perspective. It allows us to become the hands and feet of Christ. If you have a free morning or evening sometime, pick one of our missions and go see what they are doing. You will be glad that you did.

Opps I've got to go. The dog wants something.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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