It is not a Carpenter's thing. Rainy days and Mondays do not get me down. Rainy days get Lou the Dog all excited. He sleeps in his kennel and he is usually fine. But if it rains, even one drop on the roof, he can hear it and he whimpers and barks and wakes me up. All night long. 3am, doen't this dog have a watch? Can't he see the clock in the kitchen? For crying out loud it is time to sleep, not time to bark!!!! Now I know that he is afraid and he just wants encouragement, but I want to sleep. And as far as I a

If Daddy ain't sleeping, no one is happy. Lou the dog is in the doghouse, again today. That whimperin, cryin, little baby faced, barks at everybody, beats up cats, kills baby squirrels, Lou the Dog, you cryin in the rain dog, you are on my last nerve.
Free Dog. Call 373-1525.
It's still a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
If you can give away Lou for crying in the rain, then I am going to give away a 10-year old girl. She freaks out in the rain at night - whimpers, cries, sleeps in our bedroom - and so I'll offer her up as a bonus with the dog.
Wait - that's my daughter we're talking about. Oops. Okay, I rescind the offer. Guess I'll keep her and love on her.
Just like you're going to keep Lou and love on him, cuz that's just what we do as parents - whether its parenting a child or a canine! We're all talk and threats - but inside, we're marshmallows.
Enjoy the day!
Why Jeff, you ARE just a man. Sometimes we set you up there on a pedestal and believe that you would never have thoughts such as these or get irritated over such small things. This is so good to know--you've made me feel better today and I was feeling pretty lousy.
It sounds like you're really ready to give up on the dog, but I do have a suggestion for the rainy nights. Put the kennel in the basement or the garage. Far enough away so that you cannot hear his bark or whine. Maybe even cover it with something. (not a plastic bag) As for the rest of his behavior, I'm at a loss unless you'd like to be on TV--contact the "Dog Whisperer", he's awesome. Or, go with your original idea--I just hope Cathy and your kids are okay with it. Their wrath may be harder to deal with than the barking.
Awww.....I think Lou is very sweet, especially with his little white foot! Maybe if you let him sleep in your bed - LOL!
I have a feeling majority will rule on this "free dog" thing and you will not be in the majority??
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