I like the history channel. I like the discovery channel. I watch shows about war, ships that sink, disasters, famous people, etc. I watch shows about animals. I am amazed at the different kind of animals that
God has made. Just consider the Meerkat for a moment.....God has an amazing sense of humor.

I also like to play trivia. Questions about the past, science, geography, and religions are my favorite. What year was the war of 1812? Who fought in the Spanish-American War? In what country did the french revolution take place? Trivia. Good stuff to know.
I think I like the history channel and playing trivia because I think my brain likes to think. I refuse to go through life as a robot. The wheels are always turning. Maybe sometimes, turning too much. Too worried, too introspective.
But thinking none the less. One of the great gifts of this life is to think. When we are thinking constructively, we have the chance to better ourselves, to know where we are at, and to see where we are going.
The history channel makes me think. It makes me appreciate my life. I learn from those who have lived before. I like it!
So, if you need a change of pace, look up the history channel or the discover channel and expand your brain.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
When you combine the discovery channel and trivia you get cash cab, great show.
PS - Go Meerkats!
You and Chuck could have had a great relationship--boring, but good for you two. I haven't HAD to watch the History Channel, the Discovery Channel or The O'Reilly Factor for over a year now. Although, I do stop on the Discovery Channel from time to time if something looks interesting.
Chuck was extremely intelligent and loved problem solving and feeding his brain. I'm sure that's one reason we were able to stay together for 40 years--"opposites do attract". ; )
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