Friday, March 26, 2010


The bird is still here. The bird from Wednesday has never left. She is still flying into the window, to the great enjoyment of the cats. For three days not this bird has crashed repeatedly into the window.

And I think of the word persistence. The story of the persistent widow from Luke 18. I have to admit, I struggle with this story. The idea that God would give someone something simply because they would not give up. It seems so contrary to much of the rest of the scripture, and I certainly do not see the principle being played out in life. People just don't always get what they want, no matter how hard they try.

But the bird won't give up. Maybe there are times that we shouldn't either.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Donna Jones said...

Hi Jeff, We had a bird do this to a window in our living room all spring one year.....your cats should be entertained for months.... :) Happy Spring! DJ

Sharon said...

Just a thought--give the bird what he wants. Open the window. Then the cats get what they want too. The lesson associated with the bird would be, what we want is not always what is best for us. The cats would get the reward for their persistence and a nice little treat. ; )