Monday, May 24, 2010

losing things

I lost a credit card last week. It took me three days to find it. I lost my wallet again last night.

Do you ever lose things? Misplace them? Your keys? Your checkbook? Wallet? It seems to happen to me way too much. I have often thought of this as a function of getting older, you know, the hard drive is just full and I can't remember anything anymore.

Anthony Demello says that if this is happening to you on a regular basis, then you are too busy. You are so busy that you are not paying adequate attention to what you are doing. You go from one thing to the next so fast that you are not aware of what is going on around you.

He says that the real problem with this is not that you can't find your keys. The real problem is that you are missing life. You are passing by the beauty, you are not smelling the roses. Slow down and touch every moment. Your wallet is right where you left it. God's stuff is also right where he put it. His trees, his birds, his love, his miracles. They are all there for the experiencing for those who are aware and awake to the gift of being alive.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

How true, and good advice for others. One other dimension to consider when we see this going on in our lives. Traffic officers will tell you that when life is too busy, or too overwhelming, we become preoccupied with concerns, it can cause car accidents, running red lights, or speeding, for those who normally drive pretty safely.

Anonymous said...

The beach . . . ocean, waves, sand . . . good for your soul (and memory) too :) Have a good week!!

Unknown said...

My forgetfulness is that my brain is full of the songs from the late 60's early 70's. Go ahead test me. And none of that hard rock stuff.

P.S. I carry 3 sets of keys and have others hidden thru out the house and in the car.