Monday, May 10, 2010

preacher 6, bushes 0

I have a 2000 ford f-150 pickup. I have a couple of log chains. I have learned over the years that I am deadly to overgrown or unwanted bushes.

I had heard about people pulling out bushes with a truck and a chain. Well, last year, my wife and I were arguing about 5 overgrown bushes out in front of our house. I wanted them out. She did not. But, she did not have to trim them all the time and sweep up their stickery stuff. So, one Saturday when she went to the grocery store, I got motivated. Truck, chain and thirty minutes and the bushes are history. She did not even notice that they were gone for a month.

So, when I hear that my buddy Jonnnie Wells wants some bushes removed at church, I volunteer for the job. It's too bad that the only day this week that I can do it is on Mother's day. 4 services, lunch, a nap and back to church to pull the bushes. 30 minutes later it is preacher 6, bushes 0.

If you have an over grown shrub in your yard, and I can get my truck close enough to it, call me up. I am death to unwanted shrubs.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Sharon said...

You crack me up. ; )

Dave Templeman said...

If you need a backup I have a 99 Dodge Ram 1500 with a tow strap. Dave 2 Bushes 0. ;)

Anonymous said...

A preacher in the bush is worth two in the pulpit (ha.)

Anonymous said...

I was contemplating therapy. Apparently, all I need is a pickup and chains. :)

Anonymous said...

I've learned the power of tow chains too. They even work with old suburbans that have 4 wheel drive!