Since everyone seems to like Jeff's pet stories, here we go.
We got these cats six years ago. Well, we got them, because without talking to me, my wife and daughters came home with them. Look Dad, free cats. Cats are not free. I have been buying food and litter for these pigs ever since.
One of these cats is a lover and one is a skittish scaredy cat. Did I tell you their names? Tyler and Princess Kiki. What is that. Princess Kiki is the skittish cat. She is also huge. We just call her the fat cat. If I am killed at home by a pet, it would be her. Tyler we just call the "boy cat."
Now to the story. For two years the fat cat hides in the house. You cannot pet her, you cannot find her. It is like, why did we get this free cat? It eats and poops and provides no love.
One day I saw the cat coming and I sat down on the top of the stairs. As the cat passed by, I stroked it's back. It stopped. It liked it. I was nice and just gave it a taste of cat scratch heaven. Over the next few days, at the top of the stairs, the fat cat and I made friends.
The lover creates the love.

Now, this thing won't leave me alone. It beats on the door in the middle of the night and sits at the top of the stairs if I am upstairs, just waiting for me to scratch her back. She follows me around like a dog and gets in the middle of whatever I am doing. She sits on the computer when I am trying to type. I am glad to have made a friend, but come on, go catch a mouse will ya?
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
I think any cat owner can relate to your story. And for some reason, it seems to me, that the fat fluffy cats are the skittish ones. I have had several "skittish" cats in my life and they all act like that. The one I have now is beautiful, but don't try to pet her lest you lose a finger.
This morning she was purring near my face so I reached out to give her a loving stroke on the head. She bit me! So in the sweetest voice I could muster at that moment, I tried to calm her and then stroke her again. I got bit--again!
It's been almost an hour now, and she hasn't been fed. I'm not sure she knows the saying--"Don't bite the hand that feeds you".
Oh, I'll feed her, and while I'm doing it, she'll be all rubbing up on my legs and being all fluffy and nice. Cats!
Thanks for a "Jeff Pet Post" today! Especially a cat post! Our pets give us so much love. Even when we feel icky and completely unloveable, they are there purring, licking, wagging tails. Hmmmmm.... there is probably a lesson in this about what God gives us and what we give others. Inkylynne
I think we enjoy your animal stories AND the way you write about them AND all your other topics as well. You are a gifted writer . . . otta write a book!
Love the cat stuff. I have a cat (Jack) and he does the same door pounding in the morning. (He is banished from the bedroom at night b/c he slowly stalks me from my toes to my nose as the night goes on). He was a rescue and skittish at follows me everywhere and also sits on my lap in between the computer and me. Geez. I'm a dog person. How did this happen?
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