Monday, May 23, 2011


Good morning.  We have watched the news in horror today of the destruction in Joplin.  Because this is a city that is close to us, many of us have personal connections there.  One of my best pastor friends is Aaron Brown.  He is the pastor at St. Paul's UMC.  Last night he texted me to say that he and his family were ok, but that the church was badly damaged.  Also, Sandy Nenadahl is the District Superintendent in Joplin.  She went into ministry from our church.  She and her husband Tom are fine, but there is much work for Methodists to do in Joplin.

Please keep the people of Joplin in your prayers.  I am sure that we will be acting to help as soon as we get instructions on how to best do that.  We will have more info on what we can do this Sunday in worship services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you heard from Aaron. That was our church for 15 years. I figured it would have some damage as it would've been in the path.

Mike and Donna Rieman