Sunday, June 19, 2011

father's day

Ahh, it is that great and noble holiday- Father's Day.  Father's day really would not exist except for mother's day.  But since mothers get a day, someone thought it was only fair that fathers get a day.  So on mother's day everyone does what the mom wants.  On fathers day it is the same.  Everyone does what the mom wants.

I used to get gifts for fathers day, then my wife and I insisted that we would no longer buy things for each other and say it was from the kids.  The kids are old enough.  If they want to get mothers day or fathers day gifts, they have jobs and they can drive.  Consequently, I am not expecting any cards or gifts today.

Actually, I don't need any cards or gifts.  Just to be a father is a gift enough.  To help birth these little guys, carry them through life, teach them how to live.  It is an awesome thing.  To help them learn, and then just sit back and watch.  It is great.  To celebrate with them.  To comfort them.  It is all wonderful.  Probably my greatest joy in life is being a father.  I love my kids so much.  Just having them around is all the gift I need.

By the way, I think that is how God feels about each of us.  Such a love and an admiration.  Such a joy and a hopefulness.  It is great to be an earthly father.  It is great to have a heavenly Father.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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