Monday, January 30, 2012

on taking up a cross

Don't read this post, you are probably not going to like it.  It's ok.  Log off and go about your day.  Stop.  Really, it's ok.  Don't read any more.

Opps.  Too late.  Here you go.  Is there really any Christianity with out a cross?  Are we living the life Jesus intends if there is no cross to take up?  Have we sought pleasure so exclusively that we are not willing to bear a cross?

How am I sacrificing for Christ?  How are you?  If we are not sacrificing something, are we really on the road that Jesus intends.

I suggest to you today that the way that leads to joy and blessing is also the road of sacrifice.  We are invited to lose our life to find it.  Kind of an oxymoron.  But it is the way of Jesus.

Take the road less travelled by.  Step out of your comfort zone.  Stretch.  Invest yourself in others.  Make a sacrifice for the sake of our Lord.  That is where the joy is.  That is where the blessing is found.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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