Saturday, January 12, 2013

this blog

Good Morning,

When I started this blog over 3 years ago, I decided to write daily.  There have been spells over this time that I found it difficult to do that, but I made it through.   Recently, I am struggling to find the daily words and it is, among other things, causing me some stress.

It is an odd feeling to sit in front of the computer and know that you are supposed to write something, something inspirational, but you just can't find the words.

Therefore, I am no longer going to be posting daily.  When I have something to say, I will write a post.  I am very sorry if this disappoints you but it is what I need to do right now.

A feature that you may want to look at is the option to receive email notification of a post.  That way, you will know when I post something and don't have to check the site every day.

I know that there are several of you that are daily readers, I am very sorry.  I am fine, and everything is fine, I just need to take a break.

I love you.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Anonymous said...

Jeff, I totally understand as will all your readers and friends. It would be difficult to come up with something day after day after day. We enjoy hearing from you...but you simply must take the break you are in need of.

How do we go about being notified when you do post? Could you let us know, please?

And...thank you for all the wonderful posts each day for 3 whole years, most of them yours. Also, thanks to Lion's Den Man who so faithfully filled in for you when you were out of town or unable.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

It is amazing, given the rigors of your job, that you have been able to do this for three years. I love your blog and never miss it, but I choose to focus on the fact that you kept doing this, even when it was difficult, for all this time.

Don't be sorry for me. You deserve a break, and I'm thankful that you've decided to take one.

Tempering of the Spirit said...

I am sorry if I've caused you pain. That was not my intention. If someone is good at doing something, they shouldn't stop. And you shouldn't ever stop. You have so much to offer.

I believe your intentions are good. I believe in the Spirit of God in you. I release you. I forgive you. I have nothing. I have kept no records of wrong. It was just a bluff. You have nothing to worry about ever.

I loved the way you did your job and I loved the people there. You have so much to offer so many. Go and fight the good fight. Never give up.

Your blog inspired me many times, as did your preaching. The other just hurt, but I don't want you to hurt and I felt like I lost everything, but I know you tried to make it right. I'll stop reading it and walk away. Please forgive me.

Unknown said...

I've only been following for the last 6 months or so, but it has become my morning cup o' joe. I actually read it before I even get out of bed:)I've felt spoiled.

I will miss it on a daily basis, but I'm amazed you've not gone to weekly (or whatever format) earlier. I'll be happy to take whatever you'd like to write. It will be like a little happy surprise each time you post.

Anonymous said...

And I got to thinking last night. If you've done this for over three years, this means you've had the tenacity to hang in there and write well over 1,000 posts. I don't think most of us could have done that. You wrote when you were excited to share, you wrote when it was very very hard to focus on anything in life. You wrote when you felt like you were out of anything to say. You wrote when the daffodils bloomed and your excitement for spring just had to be shared.

You wrote, and you wrote, and you wrote. Now we celebrate some much deserved downtime from this little routine. We love you and you've left us many inspiring blog posts that we can re-read if we choose.

Anonymous said...

And I got to thinking last night. If you've done this for over three years, this means you've had the tenacity to hang in there and write well over 1,000 posts. I don't think most of us could have done that. You wrote when you were excited to share, you wrote when it was very very hard to focus on anything in life. You wrote when you felt like you were out of anything to say. You wrote when the daffodils bloomed and your excitement for spring just had to be shared.

You wrote, and you wrote, and you wrote. Now we celebrate some much deserved downtime from this little routine. We love you and you've left us many inspiring blog posts that we can re-read if we choose.

Anonymous said...

You are awesome, and I can re-read many of your posts time and time again and never tire of them. So take a break and write to us when you are inspired to do so. On the other days, I will just trek back a ways and find inspiration from you that is just as good but from another day. xo

Anonymous said...

I am happy for you; that you can turn a "have to" into a "want to". There are so many things in our lives that seem to operate on someone else's treadmill. It is refreshing to get to a place where you can look inside and see that you are moving to a different place and that what you do needs to change with you. The old parental tapes tell you, "Don't be a quitter", "Finish what you start". But those messages don't come from the loving God we serve.
So, the truth is, I am an every morning Jeff blog reader. You have helped me start each day with your admonition to "see the good". Hmmmm, this means I may need to look to some other sources of am inspiration. Gives me the opportunity to make some choices and do some investigating that I haven't needed to do before. So your change filters down and becomes my change too.
I attended a conference on Depression on Friday, and something that was said struck a note. They said that therapy actually retrains your brain in how to process information. You have been helping to retrain our brains to see the good in a gracious and loving God for many years now. And I suspect you will continue to do so for years to come. Thank you for sharing yourself with us (you too Lion's Den Man!) and giving yourselves and us the opportunity to change and grow. Love you... Inkylynne