Wednesday, August 21, 2013

assets and liabilities

Assets and liabilities.  Or, the good things about us, and the challenging things about us.  Sometimes our assets and our liabilities are the same.  Our strengths are our weaknesses.

A strong leader may grow a thing, but because of that strength may at times run over people.  A quiet contemplative person finds inner peace, but may miss opportunities in life. 

A funny person can liven a moment, but may not know how to take life's difficulties seriously.

A nurturing parent may over care for a child and create a dependency.

What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?  Are they the same?  How can we learn to monitor our gifts so that they do not become liabilities?

Dear Father, help us be more aware of how we come across to others.  Help us see our strengths, and help us keep them in check so that they are channeled for your purpose.  Amen.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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