Who's always smiling never sad it's ________.
Who makes the boys and girls so glad ________.
He's the charming fellow with the big red shiny nose.
Dressed in crazy mixed up clothes from his head down to his toes.
Who has a great big trunk of tricks it's _______.
he'll sing a song or do a dance for you.
When you're sad he'll make you glad.
the very best friend you ever had.
Whizzo the clown that's who.
Now if you remember that song, may it be stuck in your head. That man is Whizzo the clown. His real name was Frank Oliver Wiziardi. He died in 1987, but not after bringing joy to the lives of many children who are now grown up. Or at least we aren't kids anymore.
One great memory from my childhood.
It's a beautiful day in God's world. Be sure to see the good.
Here little chair!
I really enjoyed reading your Whizzo blog. (even if I was a day late). I know you are quite a bit younger than Jim but he loved to sing me the Whizzo song when I didn't want to smile or be happy...especially with him. I am so pleased that you brought me the song again....or did Jim tell you to do that?
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