Fortunately in addition to the 05 Honda Civic, We have a 2001 Ford 4x4 truck. It gets about 12 miles to the gallon, so it does not get out much, but in the winter, it is a life saver. So I prepared for the worst. I made a packet of food and water. I packed a blanket and warm clothes. I charged my phone and gassed up the truck.

Everything went pretty well on the way up there, except that I ate all of the food that I had packed for an emergency. The way home was slower and colder, but I made it there and back safe.
I was a boy scout. Be prepared. If you are going out in the elements, there are some things that you should do. Gas up your car, pack food and water, pack extra warm clothes. It is better to be safe than sorry.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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