Tuesday, February 25, 2014

low maintenance

I mentioned this phrase in yesterday's post and it got me to thinking.

When a car has too many maintenance issues, we usually look for another.  We Americans want to enjoy a thing and not be dominated by taking care of a thing.

The same is often true of friendships.  Are you annoyed when people insist that you be their best friend?  Are you annoyed when they put the guilt on you because they have not seen you for a while? 

Low maintenance friends are the kind of people that you love, and they love you, but you still get to have a life.  They aren't upset if you have other friends.  They don't get their feelings hurt if you hang out with others.  They never complain about not seeing you.  You may go months without hanging out, but when you do, something amazing happens.  Grace shows up.  Joy is on the table.  You are just glad to be together.  You understand that they are busy and they understand the same about you.  You catch up and it is like you were never apart.

I think of such people so fondly and I value them so much.  I hope that you have some low maintenance friends.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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