Back to Easter Sunday. I am tying my shoes and my shoe string breaks. On Easter Sunday. I am in a quandary. What to do? I can change to a different pair, but it gets complicated at that point. I could just tie a knot in them and go on. Then the dysfunction kicks in..... what if someone sees that I have a knot in my shoelace on Easter Sunday?
Then I remember something that I believe very strongly... Christians are not perfect. They have knots in their shoes. Hypocrites are not Christians with problems or with knots in their shoe laces. The hypocrites are the ones who have knots in their shoes but pretend like they don't. I decided to wear the shoes on Easter with the knot in the laces and let the chips fall where they may.
Christians aren't perfect and we need to be honest about that. Authentic living means we are honest about who we are. It works for God, it should work for us.
By the way, when is Cinco de Mayo this year? [more Jeff humor]
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
So very glad you could get some down time.
So very glad to have you back.
Love the humor.
Shoe lace knots are fine.
Can't wait to hear the answer to Cinco de Mayo - betting it's something about mayo and mustard, but what do I know?
We like Jeff's blogs & miss them when you are gone!! But.....know you need a break. It's blogs like today, random, yet have a point, and of course, Jeff's quirky sense of humor...... That's what no one else can replace!!! Thanks Jeff for making this day a little more comical!!!
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