Sunday, November 9, 2014


It has been said that "all truth is God's truth."

We often sneer at those who are not our kind of people.  Sometimes we reject them wholesale because they are not like us.

If God holds the market on truth, than all truth belongs to him, where ever we may find it.  We are challenged to focus on the truth itself and not the person who carries it.

Take for example this statement, "In general, love is the whole meaning of life, of being. Love of family, of children, and of the Motherland. It is such a multifaceted phenomenon that is the basis of all our actions,"

Love is the whole meaning of life.  True.  How true.  It is a multifaceted phenomenon that it is the basis of all of our actions.  True, how true.

Should it bother me that the person that said this is Vladimir Putin?  Not if I remember that all truth is God's truth.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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