Good Morning, I need help with a problem that I am having at church. Or as my friend Peggee says, not a problem, but a challenge. Ok, I need help with a challenge.
In some ways it is a good problem. We have a very casual culture, and our members love each other. The result of this is that we like to talk. That is all super and fine, but sometimes it plays out in ways that are not very helpful.
First of all, please remember that there is not an airlock on the back of the sanctuary. There is only one layer of doors. If you are talking in the foyer, please move to the east away from the sanctuary doors. Even if they are closed, voices travel into the sanctuary and can be heard.
I wish that was all there was to the challenge.
Let me pause and say that I love you. I love you. I LOVE YOU GUYS.
I have noticed over the last month that there is too much talking in the back of the sanctuary. Ushers, Hospitality team members, and worshippers in the back rows need to be very careful please about visiting during worship times. It is fine to want to talk with someone.... just take it out into the foyer. Most people do not realize how far even their "quiet voice" will carry. If you are talking to your friend during a song, your voice may carry up into five rows in front of you. You may think you are being quiet, but really 40-50 people are being disrupted.
And there is another issue. Everyone is always very polite and quiet when I give the welcome. But when the singing starts, some visit instead of singing. Friends, even if you don't sing, this is a time for worship. Our musicians have worked very hard to prepare the songs and they do it so that you can enter into worship.
So, to sum it up.... I love you guys. You are awesome. Please help maintain an atmosphere of worship in our sanctuary by keeping your talking to an absolute minimum. With this small request in mind, our hearts and minds are more able to lean into God in worship, and that is the goal of us gathering together.
Thanks for listening and thanks for understanding.
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.