Tuesday, October 11, 2016

two word prayer

I know that we are not supposed to pray with vain repetitions, but this did not feel vain.  The other night at Celebrate Recovery [a Monday night worship service at our church for those who are looking to recover from a hang up, a habit or anything..... we all should go right?]  anyway, I was there and I found myself praying this two word prayer over and over.  From the bottom of my heart, like I just wanted to make sure that God was hearing me.  My soul was begging for him to hear me.

What if you found a two word prayer.  What would it be?  And what if you repeated it over and over until  you felt like God heard you.....

Help me.  Help me.  Help me.
Heal him.  Heal him.  Heal him.
Forgive me.  Forgive me.  Forgive me......
I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry..........
I'm lost.  I'm lost.  I'm lost...........
Find me.  Find me.  Find me.......

Maybe one of those would be yours.  Maybe none, but maybe you have your own.
Take a few moments now and ask yourself what is really going on deep in your heart.  Boil it down to two words and pray them, over and over until you feel that God has heard you.

It seemed to work for me.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Unknown said...

Protect me. N. Thank you

Unknown said...

Guide me. Guide me. Guide me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you

Unknown said...

Guide me. Guide me. Guide me.