Thursday, October 11, 2018

Why don't my children go to church?

My kids, for the most part, do not go to church.  Although raised in church, they choose as young adults, not to go.


They would tell you that they are tired of the judgmental and homophobic attitudes.  They would tell you that they are tired of rituals and sermons that are irrelevant.

People talk to me all the time about how worried they are about their children.  My children don't go to church! They tell me.

I think they are worried that their kids will go to hell.  They feel that they have failed their children.  They want me to go convert their kids. 

Let me ask a question.  Is it our job to get out kids into church or to love them?  Is it our job to make them think the way that we do or to love them?  Is it our job to press them into our mold or to love them?

Maybe if we just focused on loving them, our relationship with them would improve.  They don't need our invitations to church.  They need our love.  God is sometimes in the middle of church.  God is always in the middle of love.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Holy Land Tour - includes my favorite spots
with optional Jerusalem extension
March 4-13, 2019

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