Monday, December 24, 2018

for the first time in 30 years

For the first time in 30 years I have had a December without having to make Advent or Christmas service plans.  Most people have no idea, but planning for Advent and Christmas can be very stressful on a pastor and staff.

Christmas eve in my opinion, was always the most important day of the year for reaching new folks.  If Easter is when the members show up, Christmas Eve is when the visitors come.  Be sure to look for those visiting your church today and tonight.  Welcome them.  Make sure that they get the feeling that this is a good place to return to.

I want to thank everyone who helped me during Advent and Christmas over the years.  I have had some great teammates!  I have certainly enjoyed a leisure December this year, but all of you still working with seasonal planning are on my heart and mind.  Try to find a time tonight when you can release yourself from the worry of making everything just right.  Find a time to relax and savor the season.

Be sure to hug your Pastors and staff tonight.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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