Jeff, how can you say that? It is in all of the Jesus movies! We have heard so many sermons on this over the years! Preachers made us feel guilty with the phrase, "Go your way and sin no more."
If you have the NIV New International Version or any of many other versions of the bible, you will note this phrase attached to the story... "The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have [or do not include] John 7:53-8:11"
What this means is that at some point, a scribe added the story to the text and since it became popular, it got to stay in. But it was not a part of John's gospel.
Another passage that does not belong in the Bible is the ending of Mark 16:9-20. Again, the oldest and most reliable manuscripts do not contain these verses. Scholars believe that this ending was added because the original ending 16:8 simply said "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." It's not a very positive ending to a gospel.

sin no more. He did not say it. The other thing it means is that we are not supposed to be handling snakes or drinking deadly poison. 16:18
It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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October 23-31, 2019
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