Saturday, June 1, 2019


There is something that is messing up my life and it is me.  Me, my ego, I am the problem.  So are you to you.

If we could just learn to separate ourselves from our ego for a bit.  If we could just set aside for a bit "what we want," oh, what might arise in its place?

Set all of the me aside.  What rises to the top?

I believe that inside most of us is a goodness and a joy. When we get our ego, our self out of the way, a joy and a peace can float to the top.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
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I am leading some trips this year and next. If you are interested in reading about them, or joining in, the links are below.....

Paris-Normandy River Cruise
October 23-31, 2019

Holy Land Trip leaving January 20, 2020 $2998 from New York

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