If a person wants to make the argument based on "the Bible says," then I think it is fair to insist that they take on all of what the Bible says, and not pick and choose.

The Bible says…
That homosexuality is wrong - Lev 18:22-24
That we should not eat shrimp - Lev 11:10
That we should not commit fornication 1 Cor 6:9
That we should not eat pork - Lev 11:7
That we should not have round haircuts - Lev 19:27
If you curse your father or mother you should be put to death - Leviticus 20:9
That slaves should honor and respect their masters - 1 Peter 2:18
That women should not teach or speak in church - 1 Tim 2:11
That if your city is under siege, it is ok to eat your children - Deut 28:53
Someone born out of wedlock cannot attend church - Deuteronomy 23:2
We should not have savings accounts - Mt 6:19-21
If a woman interrupts a fight between her husband and another man, her hand should be cut off - Deuteronomy 25:11-12
If your brother dies, you should have sex with his wife - Mark 12:19
That non virgins are to be stoned - Deut 22:20-21
That an unruly son should be stoned Deut 21:18-21
That we should not get tattoos - Lev 19:28
That handicap people cannot approach God - Leviticus 21:18-21
If you are going to insist on one thing because the Bible says, then please out of fairness, insist on them all.
And as my favorite theologian, Terry McCarty says, "the Bible is not a hammer."
It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.
Send replies to jsbrink57@gmail.com
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I am leading a trip to Ireland next year. If you are interested in reading about it, or joining in, the link is below.....
Treasures of Ireland
July 13-22, 2020
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