Sunday, April 26, 2020

the power of helping others

My friend JW sent me this...

A growing consensus from scientific studies shows that being thankful and expressing gratitude will predictably increase one's sense of well being.

The one good thing that 'may' live on after this 'episode' in our lives has ended - helping others - reaching out more - being kind - thinking of other people!

St. Luke's Heart Institute has a monthly magazine - my husband is on the mailing list - GRATITUDE is big, really big in the world of cardiac research - and, this..............

The Harvard Help Guide states that individuals who invest their time and energy into supporting others live longer than people who do not regularly help other people. Moreover, there seems to be a does-response effect, whereby the more you help others around you, the happier and healthier you are likely to be.

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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