Saturday, May 23, 2020

I am special

It sounds funny to say... I am special.  Humble people are not supposed to say things like that.  Yet, we all know that we are special to God.

Enough of that.  I have a funny story.
Since the pandemic, I have been shopping for instacart and I have spent lots of time in grocery stores. One of the new innovations in the grocery stores is that the lights in the freezer cases are motion sensitive.

It used to be that when the stores were open, the lights in the freezer cases were on all the time.  Now, when you walk down the aisle, they turn on.  Magically, and just for me!  I am the only one on the aisle and I am not even stopping, but as I walk down the aisle, the lights come on, one after the next after next, as if I were some kind of a king.

It makes me feel special!

Next time that you are having a down day, Go to the grocery and walk up and down the freezer aisle.  Allow the lights to pop on, just for you.  It will make you feel special!

Now if we could just get them to start playing some music!

It’s a beautiful day in God’s world, be sure to see the good.
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