Wednesday, September 23, 2020

another tipping story

A reader shared this in confidence. I love it when I see others experiencing the joy of living a generous life.

Not to “let the left hand know what the right hand is doing” but...
I, too, tip very generously at times. Beyond this though, there are times I am led to look around a restaurant.  The Spirit will take me back time and again to a certain table. It may be a family, it may be a couple...once it was a group of very young teenagers counting every penny they had to experience eating out without mom and dad around.
I pay for their meals. I do it anonymously, for I do not want the credit. It is all His. The glory, the praise, and the money in my pocket to give, it is all His.

Love you brother. Keep telling your stories, to prompt us to tell ours.
Generosity in money, friendship, and’s a circle. As is life.

It's a beautiful day in God's world be sure to see the good.

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