Monday, February 22, 2021


I have always loved trees.

When is the best day to plant a tree?  50 years ago.
When is the second best day to plant a tree?  Today.

As I have been unpacking things from my office at church I came upon these two small books that were given to me years ago by a friend.  It is interesting in life what you hold on to and what you release.

I also found a disc with pictures from the fall landscape day in 2010.

Jim and Mary Ann Hillman 
work the North side

Jonnie lining out the crew
[This was prior to the worship center addition]

Brad Gartin working on the west face

Random old man digging a hole
but what a nice truck!

look at the size of the pear trees
along the north entrance!

Charles Hasek, his tractor
and Vicki Graham

Jay Gray, Fred Price and an unidentified
young man are planting benches for the walking
trail - stations of the cross.

What lovely memories of a wonderful time.  It is amazing how our work today can grow and become beautiful over time.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good, and maybe plant a tree!

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