Monday, June 21, 2021

Your freewill actually matters

Does God really have a plan?

I hear it all the time. God has a plan. If that is true, does that mean that your free will does not matter? God has a plan so what you think or the choices that you make do not matter?  Are we really just pawns on the chessboard of life?  I don't think so.

Think about you and your kids. Do you want to control their life? NO! I want to invest in my children and raise them to be responsible adults. But I do not want to be a helicopter Dad. I want to release them to live. I want to watch them make their choices, for better or for worse.

I think that God has the same idea. Raise us, reach for us, and watch us make our choices. I think he celebrates the good ones, the loving ones, and hopes that we will turn a corner on the bad choices.

God may be in control, maybe, but he is surely not controlling.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

Click here for the brochure

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