Saturday, January 15, 2022

Thoughts for Pastors

Thoughts for pastors

Recently a pastor asked for some general advice about leading a church.  Here are some random things that I think are important for pastors to keep in mind.

1.      model and express love at all times

2.      Teach others to model and express love.  In doing so, you are building the culture.

3.      Work hard.  Go the second mile.  Set the example of sacrifice for the cause.

4.      Take everyone in.  Everyone matters.  Learn their names.

5.      Don’t run from problems, run to them.  Find the unhappy person and do everything that you can to help them reengage.

6.      Provide complete and full disclosure of all financial information to all members and friends of the church.

7.      Never use the church for personal gain.

8.      Preach sermons that are relevant and down to earth.  Talk to the people like they talk to each other.  Jesus did not talk down to anyone.

9.      You cannot expect people to deliver a higher level of commitment then you deliver yourself.

10.   Go to the work days and participate.

11.   Show an interest in every group, even if you are not really interested in whatever that group is about.  Go because you care about the people.

12.   Participate in the management of resources in a way that saves for the future.  Be frugal.

13.   Stay on mission.  Love God and love others.

14.   Remember that you will not always be here.  A church is a baton to be passed on, not a trophy to put on your shelf.  Leave the place better than you found it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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I am leading a River Cruise to Belgium and the Netherlands March 19-27, 2022. If you are interested in reading about the trip or joining in, the link is below.

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