Friday, May 13, 2022

I'm angry

It is 5pm and I am writing for tomorrow's blog.  When you read this, remember that I wrote this yesterday.  So it is 5pm and I am angry.

Someone, [not a family member] said something to Scott that they had no right to say.  In a world where I am trying to build a relationship with my son, someone said something that was not helpful.

It made me mad.

Or, I chose to be mad.  Anyway, I felt, I still feel mad.

After about 30 minutes I realize that the only person that I can do anything about in this story is me.  So what to do with this anger?

First, I recognize that it is there, and that it is ok to feel angry.

Secondly, I choose to take steps to move on.
1. I justify the person who said the words: they don't understand, they are not very smart, blah blah blah
2. I put on some Fernando Ortega. Soothing music calms the savage beast.
3. I eat some chocolate. [always a good option.]

Whew, I feel better already!

Anger does not have to last forever.  Feel it, and then take steps to move on.  You don't want to get stuck in anger.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am, along with Sherri Swanson and Aaron Brown, leading a trip to the Holy Land January 23-February 2, 2023.

For more information, click the link below.  And if you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

Click here for the brochure 

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