In the past few months, I have loved sleeping at night.
That probably sounds strange, but it is true. I think that I got my body out of kilter with too many pills. Pills for the stomach, for the aches and pains, for regularity, for cholesterol, for whatever. And add to that a few beers.
Now, on the advice of the doctor, take that all away, and man I have been sleeping better. Much better.
It is like when the stuff that gets in our way, gets out of the way, we return to our normal, healthy selves.
Ahhhhhhh... a moment of clarity. I believe that this is true with our brain/heart/mind/soul as well. Remove the unhealthy parts, the unhealthy thoughts, and the original good will rise to the top. Cut the weights off of the balloons and they will rise. Remove the guilt, find the joy. Remove the worry, find the peace.
I am sleeping better these days!!!
It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.
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