Sunday, August 28, 2022

I didn't know

I got to the job and opened the front door.  I found the temporary work lights and turned them on.  I got everything ready and set up.  When the workers arrived, I would be ready.  I sat down at the plan table and waited.

Then I heard it.  A bang bang bang on the back door.  The workers had parked in back.  They always park in back.  They always come in the back door.  I did not know this.

I thought I was ready, but I wasn't.  I thought I was all set, but I wasn't.  I thought I was going to give them a great start on the day, but I had locked them out by accident.

I didn't know.

Sometimes, even when we are doing our best, we are going to miss the mark.  Sometimes when we think we have everything covered, we are still going to be off.  It is ok.  We can't do anything more than our very best.

And we can learn from our mistakes.

Every other day for the entire time I was on that job, I opened that back door first thing.  Live and learn.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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