Monday, May 13, 2024

Longing for a holiday

Sometimes we long for holidays.  When we were kids we longed for Christmas.  It just could not get there fast enough.  As adults I think we long for Thanksgiving or any holiday when the kids can come home.

I have been watching a pirate show on Netflix called "Black Sails."  I like pirates.  I like talk like a pirate day which is September 19th.  I started thinking about how much I enjoy pirate jokes and pirate lore and I started longing for talk like a pirate day.  I looked online for pirate hats.

When I saw some of the pictures I started to laugh and laugh.

Laughter is good medicine. I hope you learn to yearn for and enjoy talk like a pirate day.

Rrrr Matie!!!

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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