Saturday, September 21, 2024

mixed messages

It is not uncommon for we humans to provide mixed messages... for example...

"I love you, but"

We can provide mixed messages by being mean to people that we should love.  We can provide mixed messages by insisting that we support something, and then never committing resources to the program.  Any inconsistent behavior can provide a mixed message.

On our vacation to Napa, Calif., Cathy and I visited this restaurant.  The front doors were double doors.  A left and a right door.  Each door had a message on them.

The sign on the left door said, please use other door.

The sign on the right door said, please keep door closed.

I thought that was funny.  I also thought about how it made people do a doubletake.  When you see those signs, your brain just wants to stop and say, "what???"

And so may we always be consistent and clear in our communications.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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