Friday, October 11, 2024


Anticipation is an interesting human emotion.  If you live in tornado country, like Kansas City, you may get an hour or two notice.  You go into the basement and wait it out.  Then the warning is lifted and all goes back to normal, only a few, if any are hit.

If you live in hurricane country, like Florida, you have days and days to watch the path and wonder what the storm will do.  You listen to the news media get everyone all excited about the storm surge and the catastrophic winds.  How big will it be? 

 In tornado alley, only a few are troubled.  In hurricane alley, everyone is in the path.

And so you wait and prepare, and worry.  You do everything that you can and then you trust God and wait it out.

We humans worry too much.  We also "buy trouble."  We worry about things of our imaginings.  We conjure things to be concerned about... "what if..."  The TV news does not help.  They encourage us to worry.  After the storm is over, does the TV news ever apologize?

Anyway, we survived hurricane #4 since we moved to Florida.  We humans worry too much.  Prepare yes, but worry less.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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