Friday, February 28, 2025

very well

I have posted this before, but I feel the need to share it again.  Here is a story from Anthony DeMello that I love.  It is a story that challenges me to release my worries...  It reminds us that those who have hurt us really have no power to do so.  In the face of unfairness, we can still come out whole.


A village girl became an unwed mother and, after several beatings, revealed to her parents who the
father was: the Zen Master living on the outskirts of the village.

The town was in an uproar.  The villagers trooped into the Master’s house, and rudely disturbed his meditation,
they denounced him as a hypocrite and told him that he must take the baby.  All the Master said was,
“Very well. Very well. ”

He picked the baby up and made arrangements with the woman next door to look after
it at his expense.

His name, of course, was ruined, and his disciples all abandoned him.

When this had gone on for a year, the girl could bear it no longer and confessed that
she had lied. The real father was the boy next door.

The villagers felt terrible.  They had made a mistake.  The went back to the Master's compound.  They bowed profoundly to the Master to beg his pardon and asked to take the
baby back. And all the Master said as he handed back the child was, “Very well. Very
well. ”

What is going on in your life?
What is going on in my life?
Who is mistreating you?
Very well. Very well.

Nothing can hurt you unless you allow it.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

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I am leading a trip to Italy in November of this year with Pastor Sherri Swanson.  There is plenty of room and we would love to have you join!!!

click here for the Italy brochure

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