Monday, July 7, 2008

making a difference

Do you ever wonder if you are making a difference? Am I making a difference with my kids, am I making a difference in my work, is my life making a difference?

There are probably few questions that are as painful as wondering if you are making a difference. I think most people wonder from time to time, whether they are.

I want to offer a few thoughts. Making a difference is usually not measured by some grandiose accomplishment. It is usually not measured with fanfare and accolades. Making a difference usually happens one person, one moment at a time. When we encounter another person, it is a chance for us to make a difference. They may never say thanks, they may never tell you how wonderful you are, but you still made a difference.

Doing the right things is reward enough. To know that you cared about someoone, to know that you acted in faith, in love, to know that instead of being negative and dragging someone down, you were a dispenser of grace. If you did this, you made a difference.

You may never have a statue erected in your honor, but you will have jewels in your crown. Just stay after it. Doing the right things is an ongoing battle of a good heart to act with purpose in a confusing world. One sign of truly successful people is that they just keep getting up in the morning and putting one hopeful foot in front of the other in pursuit of the good.

You are making a difference. Keep going.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.


Lion's Den Man said...

talk about are giving Kreskin a run for his money

Anonymous said...

Last night we rented the movie The Bucket List. There is a scene where the actors are in Egypt looking at the pyramids. Morgan Freeman asks Jack Nickelson two questions. 1)Have your experienced joy in your life? and 2) Have you brought joy to other's lives? The first may be easier to answer than the second though maybe not. Someday that will preach.


Anonymous said...

I don't always read the blob daily,but do get around to reading it at the right time. Thanks for the lift.