Monday, January 19, 2009

meeting tonight at 7

Dream Team meeting [Church Council] meets once per quarter. The purpose of the meeting is to help launch ministry. Here is the format:

  • 5 mins on vision from the pastor
  • short presentation of financials
  • the group splits up into three groups
nurturing or growing
[people with new ideas for ministries bring them to the three small groups and the groups try to help them assess their readiness for launch. Three questions are asked. 1. does it fit our mission. 2. who will do the ministry? 3. how will it be paid for? If the ministry can answer all three questions, it comes back to the large group for consensus.]
  • Large group meeting on consensus.
  • Closing prayer

Specific items on the agenda for tonight's meeting include the adoption of budget for 2009 and ministry ideas related to parking and sanctuary seating issues. Plus any other ideas that folks may bring that God has laid on their hearts.

Everyone is welcome to attend. 7pm in the Library.

It's a beautiful day in God's world, be sure to see the good.

1 comment:

fisher of men said...

What an awesome program Dream team is. While I was apart of the Dream Team many ideas or dreams of new programs were brought before and discussed by this group. Members of our church who had a passion to further God's kingdom had their dreams take root and eventually grow. Today we (the members of the church, the community and even those abroad) are reaping the benefits of those efforts. Do you have an idea on how you can help out? Do you have a passion that you want to share? Maybe others in our church or community have the same thoughts. We are blessed to be a permission giving church and it all starts with Dream Team. Even if you don’t have an idea, just go to the meeting and see the enthusiasm that is being generated. You will be blessed! I know I was!!!

Fisher of Men